Awesome support Notifications

Awesome support Notifications


The Notifications add-on will keep you up to date with your support operations – anytime, anywhere. You decide on which action(s) you want to be notified and where you want to be notified (email, slack, sms/push-bullet). Every time something happens on your support, you are instantly notified. While the free…

Version:  2.1.0

The Notifications add-on will keep you up to date with your support operations – anytime, anywhere. You decide on which action(s) you want to be notified and where you want to be notified (email, slack, sms/push-bullet). Every time something happens on your support, you are instantly notified. While the free…



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Picture: 2024/09/Awesome-support-Notifications.webp

The Notifications add-on will keep you up to date with your support operations – anytime, anywhere. You decide on which action(s) you want to be notified and where you want to be notified (email, slack, sms/push-bullet). Every time something happens on your support, you are instantly notified. While the free…

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