Beeta - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

Beeta – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme


Beeta WordPress is a great theme for fashion store, cosmetics store, clothing store, accessories store. Easy to config theme, font, background with Theme Options, and creating page content quickly with Visual Composer. Layout of Beeta theme is simple and luxurious with white background, black text, dark footer. Creating products slider…

Version:  1.1.4

Beeta WordPress is a great theme for fashion store, cosmetics store, clothing store, accessories store. Easy to config theme, font, background with Theme Options, and creating page content quickly with Visual Composer. Layout of Beeta theme is simple and luxurious with white background, black text, dark footer. Creating products slider…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Beeta-Multipurpose-WooCommerce-Theme.webp

Beeta WordPress is a great theme for fashion store, cosmetics store, clothing store, accessories store. Easy to config theme, font, background with Theme Options, and creating page content quickly with Visual Composer. Layout of Beeta theme is simple and luxurious with white background, black text, dark footer. Creating products slider…

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