Borlabs Cookie

Borlabs Cookie


Borlabs Cookie is an easy-to-use tool for WordPress that allows you to integrate cookies such as retargeting cookies like Google AdSense via opt-in. JavaScript is activated and the cookie is sent only after your visitor gives their consent. For full details and features, check out the sales page.

Version:  3.1.8

Borlabs Cookie is an easy-to-use tool for WordPress that allows you to integrate cookies such as retargeting cookies like Google AdSense via opt-in. JavaScript is activated and the cookie is sent only after your visitor gives their consent. For full details and features, check out the sales page.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Borlabs-Cookie.webp

Borlabs Cookie is an easy-to-use tool for WordPress that allows you to integrate cookies such as retargeting cookies like Google AdSense via opt-in. JavaScript is activated and the cookie is sent only after your visitor gives their consent. For full details and features, check out the sales page.

Download Link:

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