Educenter - Education Free WordPress Themes

Educenter – Education Free WordPress Themes


Educenter WordPress theme is mainly designed for the educational-based WordPress webpages, Theme includes advanced features and layouts you can customize settings like header layouts, footer layouts, call to action, feature listing, team member, testimonials, dynamic color options, and many more.

Version:  1.3.9

Educenter WordPress theme is mainly designed for the educational-based WordPress webpages, Theme includes advanced features and layouts you can customize settings like header layouts, footer layouts, call to action, feature listing, team member, testimonials, dynamic color options, and many more.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Educenter-Education-Free-WordPress-Themes.webp

Educenter WordPress theme is mainly designed for the educational-based WordPress webpages, Theme includes advanced features and layouts you can customize settings like header layouts, footer layouts, call to action, feature listing, team member, testimonials, dynamic color options, and many more.

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