Elementor Form Builder for MEC

Elementor Form Builder for MEC


With this add-on, you can create unique forms for your events with custom styles in Elementor. You can also apply a form to all events or set it exclusively for one event. Other options include setting the typography of the form, padding, borders, and margin customization, plus using colors consistent…

Version:  1.3.7

With this add-on, you can create unique forms for your events with custom styles in Elementor. You can also apply a form to all events or set it exclusively for one event. Other options include setting the typography of the form, padding, borders, and margin customization, plus using colors consistent…



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Picture: 2024/09/Elementor-Form-Builder-for-MEC.webp

With this add-on, you can create unique forms for your events with custom styles in Elementor. You can also apply a form to all events or set it exclusively for one event. Other options include setting the typography of the form, padding, borders, and margin customization, plus using colors consistent…

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