Export  Import - Quiz And Survey Master

Export Import – Quiz And Survey Master


Many website owners develop and test their site locally or on a staging site and then copy over their site to their live site once they are ready. Before this addon existed, users would have to export and import using MySQL or PHP to be able to move their quiz…

Version:  2.0.4

Many website owners develop and test their site locally or on a staging site and then copy over their site to their live site once they are ready. Before this addon existed, users would have to export and import using MySQL or PHP to be able to move their quiz…



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Picture: 2024/09/Export-Import-Quiz-And-Survey-Master.webp

Many website owners develop and test their site locally or on a staging site and then copy over their site to their live site once they are ready. Before this addon existed, users would have to export and import using MySQL or PHP to be able to move their quiz…

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