Export Results - Quiz And Survey Master

Export Results – Quiz And Survey Master


This add-on gives you the ability to export your quiz results as a CSV file which can be imported into spreadsheet programs such as Excel and Google Sheets. You can choose which fields to export including contact information, quiz name, questions, answers provided, correct/incorrect, total correct answers, total questions, score,…

Version:  1.7.0

This add-on gives you the ability to export your quiz results as a CSV file which can be imported into spreadsheet programs such as Excel and Google Sheets. You can choose which fields to export including contact information, quiz name, questions, answers provided, correct/incorrect, total correct answers, total questions, score,…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Export-Results-Quiz-And-Survey-Master.webp

This add-on gives you the ability to export your quiz results as a CSV file which can be imported into spreadsheet programs such as Excel and Google Sheets. You can choose which fields to export including contact information, quiz name, questions, answers provided, correct/incorrect, total correct answers, total questions, score,…

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