Formidable Forms – Bootstrap Modal Add-On

Formidable Forms – Bootstrap Modal Add-On


This WordPress popup plugin is the easiest way to create a Bootstrap modal form. Open any content in a Bootstrap modal or popup like the one we use on this site. Go ahead, check it out and click the login or search link at the top of the page.

Version:  2.0.1

This WordPress popup plugin is the easiest way to create a Bootstrap modal form. Open any content in a Bootstrap modal or popup like the one we use on this site. Go ahead, check it out and click the login or search link at the top of the page.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Formidable-Forms-–-Bootstrap-Modal-Add-On.webp

This WordPress popup plugin is the easiest way to create a Bootstrap modal form. Open any content in a Bootstrap modal or popup like the one we use on this site. Go ahead, check it out and click the login or search link at the top of the page.

Download Link:

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