HappyThemes - ListingPress

HappyThemes – ListingPress


ListingPress provides the capability to create and maintain an online directory of an endless range of items such as business inventories, travel sites, property sites, recipes, etc... It is built upon the Directorist WordPress plugin, which brings features like unlimited custom fields, monetization options, the ability to let readers submit…

Version:  1.0.0

ListingPress provides the capability to create and maintain an online directory of an endless range of items such as business inventories, travel sites, property sites, recipes, etc… It is built upon the Directorist WordPress plugin, which brings features like unlimited custom fields, monetization options, the ability to let readers submit…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/HappyThemes-ListingPress.webp

ListingPress provides the capability to create and maintain an online directory of an endless range of items such as business inventories, travel sites, property sites, recipes, etc… It is built upon the Directorist WordPress plugin, which brings features like unlimited custom fields, monetization options, the ability to let readers submit…

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