HivePress Search Alerts

HivePress Search Alerts


Search Alerts extension is the easiest way to increase your website engagement and overall visitor interaction. It allows users to set search alerts and receive an email notification when there’s a new listing matching their search criteria. As a result, users are more likely to return to your site even…

Version:  1.1.2

Search Alerts extension is the easiest way to increase your website engagement and overall visitor interaction. It allows users to set search alerts and receive an email notification when there’s a new listing matching their search criteria. As a result, users are more likely to return to your site even…



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Picture: 2024/09/HivePress-Search-Alerts.webp

Search Alerts extension is the easiest way to increase your website engagement and overall visitor interaction. It allows users to set search alerts and receive an email notification when there’s a new listing matching their search criteria. As a result, users are more likely to return to your site even…

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