JNews - Split Post

JNews – Split Post


You can break your content into several pages to gain more clicks. With JNews, we provide a feature for you to split your content by heading tag. By using this feature on your post, it will increase page views and reduce bounce rate of your site. We also provide several…

Version:  10.0.3

You can break your content into several pages to gain more clicks. With JNews, we provide a feature for you to split your content by heading tag. By using this feature on your post, it will increase page views and reduce bounce rate of your site. We also provide several…



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Picture: 2024/09/JNews-Split-Post.webp

You can break your content into several pages to gain more clicks. With JNews, we provide a feature for you to split your content by heading tag. By using this feature on your post, it will increase page views and reduce bounce rate of your site. We also provide several…

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