LifterLMS WPForms Add-On

LifterLMS WPForms Add-On


Require your learners to submit a WPForm before they can mark a lesson as complete. Example form submissions might include: Collecting a wide variety of information or uploads from students Advanced forms where you want the user to fill out and submit a complex form to complete a lesson Online…

Version:  1.1.2

Require your learners to submit a WPForm before they can mark a lesson as complete. Example form submissions might include: Collecting a wide variety of information or uploads from students Advanced forms where you want the user to fill out and submit a complex form to complete a lesson Online…



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Picture: 2024/09/LifterLMS-WPForms-Add-On.webp

Require your learners to submit a WPForm before they can mark a lesson as complete. Example form submissions might include: Collecting a wide variety of information or uploads from students Advanced forms where you want the user to fill out and submit a complex form to complete a lesson Online…

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