Masjida - Islam Mosque WordPress Theme

Masjida – Islam Mosque WordPress Theme


Masjida WordPress theme is a brand new and comprehensive WordPress theme perfectly suitable for Islamic center, Mosque, Islamic Shop, and any non-profit Islamic organization or community.This WP theme is built having in mind profiles of these companies and individuals and their needs, presentation wise. This WordPress theme packed with features,…

Version:  1.0.0

Masjida WordPress theme is a brand new and comprehensive WordPress theme perfectly suitable for Islamic center, Mosque, Islamic Shop, and any non-profit Islamic organization or community.This WP theme is built having in mind profiles of these companies and individuals and their needs, presentation wise. This WordPress theme packed with features,…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Masjida-Islam-Mosque-WordPress-Theme.webp

Masjida WordPress theme is a brand new and comprehensive WordPress theme perfectly suitable for Islamic center, Mosque, Islamic Shop, and any non-profit Islamic organization or community.This WP theme is built having in mind profiles of these companies and individuals and their needs, presentation wise. This WordPress theme packed with features,…

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