Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables

Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables


Master-Detail Tables is an add-on for wpDataTables that allows you and your site visitors to see details for each row with a simple click. Many users today have tables with lots of columns and once they place that table on their website it looks ugly so they often need to hide…

Version:  2.0.1

Master-Detail Tables is an add-on for wpDataTables that allows you and your site visitors to see details for each row with a simple click. Many users today have tables with lots of columns and once they place that table on their website it looks ugly so they often need to hide…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Master-Detail-Tables-for-wpDataTables.webp

Master-Detail Tables is an add-on for wpDataTables that allows you and your site visitors to see details for each row with a simple click. Many users today have tables with lots of columns and once they place that table on their website it looks ugly so they often need to hide…

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