My Account Page Editor KoalaApps

My Account Page Editor KoalaApps


My Account Page Editor is a WooCommerce extension that enables you to customize your customers’ my account page. Add new custom endpoints and hide default endpoints to make the my account page more meaningful. Group endpoints to save space and highlight more information upfront.

Version:  1.3.2

My Account Page Editor is a WooCommerce extension that enables you to customize your customers’ my account page. Add new custom endpoints and hide default endpoints to make the my account page more meaningful. Group endpoints to save space and highlight more information upfront.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/My-Account-Page-Editor-KoalaApps.webp

My Account Page Editor is a WooCommerce extension that enables you to customize your customers’ my account page. Add new custom endpoints and hide default endpoints to make the my account page more meaningful. Group endpoints to save space and highlight more information upfront.

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