MyThemeShop - Yosemite

MyThemeShop – Yosemite


Yosemite is a clean WordPress theme that is inspired by Apple’s Yosemite OSX design. With a newsletter plugin, compatibility with MegaMenu and WP Review Pro, as well as being optimized for AdSense, pageviews and readability, you’ll see elevated levels of user engagement thanks to Yosemite.

Version:  1.3.0

Yosemite is a clean WordPress theme that is inspired by Apple’s Yosemite OSX design. With a newsletter plugin, compatibility with MegaMenu and WP Review Pro, as well as being optimized for AdSense, pageviews and readability, you’ll see elevated levels of user engagement thanks to Yosemite.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/MyThemeShop-Yosemite.webp

Yosemite is a clean WordPress theme that is inspired by Apple’s Yosemite OSX design. With a newsletter plugin, compatibility with MegaMenu and WP Review Pro, as well as being optimized for AdSense, pageviews and readability, you’ll see elevated levels of user engagement thanks to Yosemite.

Download Link:

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