Publisher Theme

Publisher Theme


Publisher theme is the best and most complete magazine, blog and Newspaper theme that was created ever for WordPress. No need to search for extra plugins!  All needed plugins are included and work perfectly together. We created Publisher with our 10+ year of creating and running magazine, news and blog…

Version:  7.12.0

Publisher theme is the best and most complete magazine, blog and Newspaper theme that was created ever for WordPress. No need to search for extra plugins!  All needed plugins are included and work perfectly together. We created Publisher with our 10+ year of creating and running magazine, news and blog…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Publisher-Theme.webp

Publisher theme is the best and most complete magazine, blog and Newspaper theme that was created ever for WordPress. No need to search for extra plugins!  All needed plugins are included and work perfectly together. We created Publisher with our 10+ year of creating and running magazine, news and blog…

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