Quiz and Survey Master advanced leaderboard

Quiz and Survey Master advanced leaderboard


The Advanced Leaderboard addon for Quiz and Survey Master will give you 4 new leaderboard shortcodes and 2 new widgets that you can customize as required. You can edit how many results are listed, the name of the leaderboard, and the order in which the results are listed in.

Version:  1.0.13

The Advanced Leaderboard addon for Quiz and Survey Master will give you 4 new leaderboard shortcodes and 2 new widgets that you can customize as required. You can edit how many results are listed, the name of the leaderboard, and the order in which the results are listed in.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Quiz-and-Survey-Master-advanced-leaderboard.webp

The Advanced Leaderboard addon for Quiz and Survey Master will give you 4 new leaderboard shortcodes and 2 new widgets that you can customize as required. You can edit how many results are listed, the name of the leaderboard, and the order in which the results are listed in.

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