Really Simple SSL Per Page

Really Simple SSL Per Page


If you want just a few pages on your website on SSL, just one page not on SSL, this plugin offers this possibility. In the settings you can add pages, posts, or any other post-type or even custom post types that you want to be on SSL. This plugin needs…

Version:  2.0.17

If you want just a few pages on your website on SSL, just one page not on SSL, this plugin offers this possibility. In the settings you can add pages, posts, or any other post-type or even custom post types that you want to be on SSL. This plugin needs…



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Picture: 2024/09/Really-Simple-SSL-Per-Page.webp

If you want just a few pages on your website on SSL, just one page not on SSL, this plugin offers this possibility. In the settings you can add pages, posts, or any other post-type or even custom post types that you want to be on SSL. This plugin needs…

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