Reporting And Analysis - Quiz And Survey Master

Reporting And Analysis – Quiz And Survey Master


There are many times that you may want to analyze the results. The addon allows you to display the data using 4 different charts including: Pie chart Bar chart Word Count chart Blox Plot chart You can also see the average score for each question. For example, you can quickly…

Version:  2.0.9

There are many times that you may want to analyze the results. The addon allows you to display the data using 4 different charts including: Pie chart Bar chart Word Count chart Blox Plot chart You can also see the average score for each question. For example, you can quickly…



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Picture: 2024/09/Reporting-And-Analysis-Quiz-And-Survey-Master.webp

There are many times that you may want to analyze the results. The addon allows you to display the data using 4 different charts including: Pie chart Bar chart Word Count chart Blox Plot chart You can also see the average score for each question. For example, you can quickly…

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