SearchWP Polylang Integration

SearchWP Polylang Integration


Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. After installing and activating this Extension, SearchWP will limit search results to the active language of your Polylang-powered…

Version:  1.3.9

Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. After installing and activating this Extension, SearchWP will limit search results to the active language of your Polylang-powered…



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Picture: 2024/09/SearchWP-Polylang-Integration.webp

Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. After installing and activating this Extension, SearchWP will limit search results to the active language of your Polylang-powered…

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