SearchWP Redirects

SearchWP Redirects


Automatically redirect to a specific page when certain searches are performed! While SearchWP will find the most relevant search results for you, there are times where you simply want to help your visitor move directly to a page of your choosing, saving them a click in the process.

Version:  1.4.3

Automatically redirect to a specific page when certain searches are performed! While SearchWP will find the most relevant search results for you, there are times where you simply want to help your visitor move directly to a page of your choosing, saving them a click in the process.



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Picture: 2024/09/SearchWP-Redirects.webp

Automatically redirect to a specific page when certain searches are performed! While SearchWP will find the most relevant search results for you, there are times where you simply want to help your visitor move directly to a page of your choosing, saving them a click in the process.

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