SearchWP - Shortcodes

SearchWP – Shortcodes


This extension provides Shortcodes that generate both search forms and results pages for SearchWP search engines. It’s useful if you’re not comfortable (or able) to edit theme files directly to implement your search form(s) and results from loops.

Version:  1.8.4

This extension provides Shortcodes that generate both search forms and results pages for SearchWP search engines. It’s useful if you’re not comfortable (or able) to edit theme files directly to implement your search form(s) and results from loops.



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Picture: 2024/09/SearchWP-Shortcodes.webp

This extension provides Shortcodes that generate both search forms and results pages for SearchWP search engines. It’s useful if you’re not comfortable (or able) to edit theme files directly to implement your search form(s) and results from loops.

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