Sommerce Shop - A Versatile E-commerce Theme

Sommerce Shop – A Versatile E-commerce Theme


Sommerce is a fresh WordPress theme that utilises the powerful Woo Commerce plugins to create a versatile WordPress powered shop, with unlimited layout options and unlimited skins. Make this theme your own. Mix up content on the homepage with widgets and shortcodes, set the layout full width or boxed style,…

Version:  3.3.0

Sommerce is a fresh WordPress theme that utilises the powerful Woo Commerce plugins to create a versatile WordPress powered shop, with unlimited layout options and unlimited skins. Make this theme your own. Mix up content on the homepage with widgets and shortcodes, set the layout full width or boxed style,…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Sommerce-Shop-A-Versatile-E-commerce-Theme.webp

Sommerce is a fresh WordPress theme that utilises the powerful Woo Commerce plugins to create a versatile WordPress powered shop, with unlimited layout options and unlimited skins. Make this theme your own. Mix up content on the homepage with widgets and shortcodes, set the layout full width or boxed style,…

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International Warranty

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100% Secure Checkout

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