Theme My Login Profiles

Theme My Login Profiles


If you’re already utilizing Theme My Login to keep your login experience within your theme, you should be using the Profiles extension to keep your user’s profile within it as well. If Theme My Login is the peanut butter, the Profiles extension is the jelly – they just go together.

Version:  1.0.6

If you’re already utilizing Theme My Login to keep your login experience within your theme, you should be using the Profiles extension to keep your user’s profile within it as well. If Theme My Login is the peanut butter, the Profiles extension is the jelly – they just go together.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Theme-My-Login-Profiles.webp

If you’re already utilizing Theme My Login to keep your login experience within your theme, you should be using the Profiles extension to keep your user’s profile within it as well. If Theme My Login is the peanut butter, the Profiles extension is the jelly – they just go together.

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