Theme My Login reCAPTCHA

Theme My Login reCAPTCHA


Keep spam bots at bay by utilizing Google reCAPTCHA on your registration and login forms. Features Require reCAPTCHA on your registration form Require reCAPTCHA on your login form Require reCAPTCHA on your lost password form Require reCAPTCHA on your comment form Choose your reCAPTCHA theme reCAPTCHA will be localized if…

Version:  1.0.1

Keep spam bots at bay by utilizing Google reCAPTCHA on your registration and login forms. Features Require reCAPTCHA on your registration form Require reCAPTCHA on your login form Require reCAPTCHA on your lost password form Require reCAPTCHA on your comment form Choose your reCAPTCHA theme reCAPTCHA will be localized if…



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Theme-My-Login-reCAPTCHA.webp

Keep spam bots at bay by utilizing Google reCAPTCHA on your registration and login forms. Features Require reCAPTCHA on your registration form Require reCAPTCHA on your login form Require reCAPTCHA on your lost password form Require reCAPTCHA on your comment form Choose your reCAPTCHA theme reCAPTCHA will be localized if…

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