Theme My Login Security

Theme My Login Security


Help secure your website by throttling and blocking IP addresses after a predetermined amount of failed login attempts. Features Set the number of failed attempts required for lockout Set the period of time the failed attempts must span to be locked out Set the duration of the lockout Automatically lockout…

Version:  1.1.2

Help secure your website by throttling and blocking IP addresses after a predetermined amount of failed login attempts. Features Set the number of failed attempts required for lockout Set the period of time the failed attempts must span to be locked out Set the duration of the lockout Automatically lockout…



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Picture: 2024/09/Theme-My-Login-Security.webp

Help secure your website by throttling and blocking IP addresses after a predetermined amount of failed login attempts. Features Set the number of failed attempts required for lockout Set the period of time the failed attempts must span to be locked out Set the duration of the lockout Automatically lockout…

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