Themify Minshop

Themify Minshop


After the great success of our popular WooCommerce theme, ShopDock, we are happy to announce our second eCommerce theme release - MinShop (view demo). This theme features an Ajax shopping cart where buyers can add or remove items with a single click without reloading or redirecting the page. This simplifies and enhances the shopping experience.

Version:  7.1.3

After the great success of our popular WooCommerce theme, ShopDock, we are happy to announce our second eCommerce theme release – MinShop (view demo). This theme features an Ajax shopping cart where buyers can add or remove items with a single click without reloading or redirecting the page. This simplifies and enhances the shopping experience.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Themify-Minshop.webp

After the great success of our popular WooCommerce theme, ShopDock, we are happy to announce our second eCommerce theme release – MinShop (view demo). This theme features an Ajax shopping cart where buyers can add or remove items with a single click without reloading or redirecting the page. This simplifies and enhances the shopping experience.

Download Link:

Free Worldwide shipping

On all orders above $50

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa