Tickera - Custom Forms

Tickera – Custom Forms


Custom Forms is a powerful add-on which allows you to easily create new custom fields in a simplest way possible - drag drop. Collect information about buyers and attendees and access it within the admin area, Checkinera or export using Export PDF functinality or CSV Export add-on.


Custom Forms is a powerful add-on which allows you to easily create new custom fields in a simplest way possible – drag drop. Collect information about buyers and attendees and access it within the admin area, Checkinera or export using Export PDF functinality or CSV Export add-on.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/Tickera-Custom-Forms.webp

Custom Forms is a powerful add-on which allows you to easily create new custom fields in a simplest way possible – drag drop. Collect information about buyers and attendees and access it within the admin area, Checkinera or export using Export PDF functinality or CSV Export add-on.

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