Webnus Advanced Reports Addon

Webnus Advanced Reports Addon


This addon helps you create a report of all the reservations made by MEC on your website. It is now available with more features in the backend, such as: Professional reservation filtering based on date, Events names, Categories, Organizers and Places. Also, two diagrams are included in this addon in…

Version:  1.1.6

This addon helps you create a report of all the reservations made by MEC on your website. It is now available with more features in the backend, such as: Professional reservation filtering based on date, Events names, Categories, Organizers and Places. Also, two diagrams are included in this addon in…



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Picture: 2024/09/Webnus-Advanced-Reports-Addon.webp

This addon helps you create a report of all the reservations made by MEC on your website. It is now available with more features in the backend, such as: Professional reservation filtering based on date, Events names, Categories, Organizers and Places. Also, two diagrams are included in this addon in…

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