WP Grid Builder

WP Grid Builder


With the help of WP Grid Builder, you can build advanced grid layouts with a real-time faceted search for your eCommerce, blog, portfolio, and more. Easily query and display WordPress content from your post types, taxonomy terms, or users with an intuitive and stylish admin interface.

Version:  2.0.6

With the help of WP Grid Builder, you can build advanced grid layouts with a real-time faceted search for your eCommerce, blog, portfolio, and more. Easily query and display WordPress content from your post types, taxonomy terms, or users with an intuitive and stylish admin interface.



Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/WP-Grid-Builder.webp

With the help of WP Grid Builder, you can build advanced grid layouts with a real-time faceted search for your eCommerce, blog, portfolio, and more. Easily query and display WordPress content from your post types, taxonomy terms, or users with an intuitive and stylish admin interface.

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