WP Offload Media Pro

WP Offload Media Pro


WP Offload Media Pro (formerly WP Offload S3) copies files from your WordPress Media Library to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, or Google Cloud Storage. It rewrites URLs to serve the files from that same storage provider or the CDN of your choice (like CloudFront). And with the Assets addon, WP Offload Media…

Version:  3.2.9

WP Offload Media Pro (formerly WP Offload S3) copies files from your WordPress Media Library to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, or Google Cloud Storage. It rewrites URLs to serve the files from that same storage provider or the CDN of your choice (like CloudFront). And with the Assets addon, WP Offload Media…


Official Website Link

Picture: 2024/09/WP-Offload-Media-Pro.webp

WP Offload Media Pro (formerly WP Offload S3) copies files from your WordPress Media Library to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, or Google Cloud Storage. It rewrites URLs to serve the files from that same storage provider or the CDN of your choice (like CloudFront). And with the Assets addon, WP Offload Media…

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