WPCargo Shipment Rate

WPCargo Shipment Rate


WPCargo Shipping Rate allows you to define rates based on the origin and destination entered in Search Rates form. The system allows you to define your locations, zones and shipping rates and let clients enter shipment weight and dimensions to get rate results. This plugin requires Woocommerce for integration which…

Version:  7.2.2

WPCargo Shipping Rate allows you to define rates based on the origin and destination entered in Search Rates form. The system allows you to define your locations, zones and shipping rates and let clients enter shipment weight and dimensions to get rate results. This plugin requires Woocommerce for integration which…



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Picture: 2024/09/WPCargo-Shipment-Rate.webp

WPCargo Shipping Rate allows you to define rates based on the origin and destination entered in Search Rates form. The system allows you to define your locations, zones and shipping rates and let clients enter shipment weight and dimensions to get rate results. This plugin requires Woocommerce for integration which…

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On all orders above $50

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International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

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