WPML Gravity Forms Multilingual

WPML Gravity Forms Multilingual


WPML lets you create one set of forms with Gravity Forms, in the original language. Then, you only need to translate the texts that appear in these forms to other languages in your site. WPML will automatically display the form in the correct language. Since the same form is used…

Version:  1.8.2

WPML lets you create one set of forms with Gravity Forms, in the original language. Then, you only need to translate the texts that appear in these forms to other languages in your site. WPML will automatically display the form in the correct language. Since the same form is used…



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Picture: 2024/09/WPML-Gravity-Forms-Multilingual.webp

WPML lets you create one set of forms with Gravity Forms, in the original language. Then, you only need to translate the texts that appear in these forms to other languages in your site. WPML will automatically display the form in the correct language. Since the same form is used…

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