WS Form Google Address

WS Form Google Address


This Google Address field enables you to autocomplete address fields in WordPress forms using the Google Places Autocomplete API. The countries searched can be restricted by country and optionally filtered by business addresses. Furthermore the chosen address can also be shown on a WS Form Google Map field.

Version:  1.0.17

This Google Address field enables you to autocomplete address fields in WordPress forms using the Google Places Autocomplete API. The countries searched can be restricted by country and optionally filtered by business addresses. Furthermore the chosen address can also be shown on a WS Form Google Map field.



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Picture: 2024/09/WS-Form-Google-Address.webp

This Google Address field enables you to autocomplete address fields in WordPress forms using the Google Places Autocomplete API. The countries searched can be restricted by country and optionally filtered by business addresses. Furthermore the chosen address can also be shown on a WS Form Google Map field.

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