YITH WooCommerce Share for Discounts

YITH WooCommerce Share for Discounts


Social media is the most effective and most popular marketing technique in today’s world. Therefore you can use social media in various ways to increase your revenue. One such method is to provide a certain discount on every share the user makes.

Version:  1.12.0

Social media is the most effective and most popular marketing technique in today’s world. Therefore you can use social media in various ways to increase your revenue. One such method is to provide a certain discount on every share the user makes.



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Picture: 2024/09/YITH-WooCommerce-Share-for-Discounts.webp

Social media is the most effective and most popular marketing technique in today’s world. Therefore you can use social media in various ways to increase your revenue. One such method is to provide a certain discount on every share the user makes.

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